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Swedish partner organization Innovation Skåne AB is responsible for this website. We want as many people as possible to be able to use the website. This document describes how complies with the Swedish Act on the Accessibility of Digital Public Services and handles any known accessibility issues, and how you can report shortcomings to us so that we can fix them.

Report website accessibility shortcomings

We constantly strive to improve website accessibility. If you notice any issues that we have not described on this page, or if you believe that we are not satisfying the requirements of the Act, please contact us.

Send an email to

Call us: +46 (0)46 286 87 50


If you are dissatisfied with how we handle your feedback, please contact the Agency for Digital Government and report this. It is their responsibility to ensure that we and other authorities comply with the Swedish Act on the Accessibility of Digital Public Services.

Review method

To assess the accessibility of the website, the website has been reviewed by an external team from Länge Leve Kommunikation, who have made self-assessments using the WCAG guidelines based on various functional variations. We have reviewed selected pages and features on the website that have been allowed to represent the website as a whole. The work has been done manually using various tools.

No complete mechanical test of the entire website’s code has been performed.

Tools used

  • Google Lighthouse
  • Axe
  • Siteimprove

The most recent assessment was carried out on September 7th 2021.

This report was last updated on September 7th 2021.

Known accessibility issues 

  • The same link text is used for different destinations. 2.4.4 Link purpose (in context) (Level A) 
  • No alternative text for some objects, images and links 1.1.1 Non-text content: (Level A). Affects the blind, deafblind, and people with limited mobility
  • There are images containing text on the page. 1.4.5 Images of text: (Level AA). Affects the blind, deafblind, and people with limited mobility.
  • There are parts of the page that are not placed within a clear section label/landmark, which can make navigation more difficult.
  • There are elements that do not use allowed ARIA attributes or conform to valid values for ARIA roles. 4.1.2 Name, role, value (Level A). Affects the blind, deafblind, and people with limited mobility.
  • Some elements that are in focus are not sufficiently highlighted for keyboard users. 2.4.7 Focus visible (Level AA). Affects people with limited mobility.