Posted on januari 17, 2022
Meet ARWA Foodtech
ARWA Foodtech has developed a range of nourishing and tasty drinks and sauces that combine the properties of Swedish oats and traditional African baobab fruit. This is their story.
Hi Arwa Mustafa, founder and CEO of ARWA Foodtech, tell us a little about yourselves, who are you?
I am a dedicated senior researcher with M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Food Science, and more than a decade of experience in the field of innovation and new product development, focusing on functional foods, and health products using Green and Clean Technologies and adapting UN-SDGs. I have received several innovation awards and have a patent.
Tell us a little about ARWA Foodtech and the product.
The company specialised in developing novel food products with health-promoting properties. Our mission is to create nutritious and health-promoting products from the baobab fruit, as well as giving back know-how to the baobab countries of origin. “Giving Forward & Giving Back” is our motto.
Our products are vegan diet adapted and offer tasty and healthy plant-based shakes, high protein fiber snacks, and savory sauces that boost iron intake. It is an excellent source of other essential nutrients: omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
What effect has the product on the food system and why is this important to you?
Our promise is to produce tasty, healthy, diversified, and clear-label products for all categories of customers. We are committed to green tech since we have health and sustainability in focus. For me personally, as well as my team, we aim to contribute to a more sustainable food system for sustainable health using science and technology as a tool.
How do you think food consumption will look in the future?
There will be more focus in food for health, plant-based, and more diversified and healthy diets.
What is needed for an SME like yours to succeed?
Apart from the obvious, I believe, it is a dedicated team who shares a passion for the same cause and a lot of patience.
What does it mean to be part of Foodtech Innovation Network?
It is very important to be a member of an ecosystem that supports and encourages the journey. There has been a lot of exchange of learning and experiences between fellows in the network.
You have received support for analyses and test runs from Foodtech Innovation Networks – how was that and what has it contributed to?
It was received with great appreciation since it helped us with some milestones.