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Guest speaker performance on the Swedish foods strategy

In late December, Emelie Olsson, project manager at Foodtech Innovation Network, participated at the conference ”Together we reach the goals for the Swedish foods strategy”. The conference was arranged by Tillväxtverket, Vinnova och Jordbruksverket.

Sustainability, profitability and collaboration. These were the three words that permeated the entire conference and panel discussion where Emelie participated with Marie Gidlund, Sweden Food Arena, and Anna Eldestrand, Tillväxtverket. The discussion focused on the ongoing change in the food system and the innovative initiatives surrounding the food sector, both in terms of developing business opportunities and finding new ways to collaborate.

“The food industry is developing rapidly and it is important to keep the steam going! […] We need to take advantage of the innovative power that exists to be able to contribute to a sustainable future.” tells Emelie. Which is in line with the food strategy. The goal for the food strategy is increased and sustainable production of food that can lead to more jobs and sustainable growth throughout the country.