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Meet Ooble Innovations

What happens when a small businesses receives support from the Foodtech Innovation Network technical experts?

”Wa are getting support to get the pilot scale of the product going forward and that is exactly what we need with our startup. The support we have got has been crucial because every single piece of advice is important to us.” explains Divya Mohan, founder of Ooble Innovations.

Meet Ooble Innovations, a Foodtech Innovation Network member, that aims at bridging sustainability and innovation within the food packaging industry starting with edible packaging that is desirable and viable for consumers.

00:05 What problem is your product solving?
00:50 What is your vision with Ooble?
02:28 What effect has the product on the food system?
03:32 What challenges have you encountered?
04:50 What is needed for SME:s to succeed?
05:41 What does it mean to be a member of Foodtech Innovation Network?
06:51 Do you benefit from meeting other entrepreneurs in the network?
07:36 What was the outcome of the support you received from Foodtech Innovation Network technical experts?