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Meet Torsebrew Kombucha

Torsebrew kombucha is looking to change the way people drink alcohol-free with a flavorful, healthy, completely natural drink made from carefully selected ingredients. This is their story.

Hi Amanda and Adela Johansson, founders of Torsebrew Kombucha! Tell us a little about yourselves.

We are twin sisters and started the company during covid-19, just as we moved back home to Sweden from Los Angeles.

What is Torsebrew Kombucha and why did you start your company?

We make a fresh, tart, and a bubbly drink called kombucha. The need for functional beverages is growing rapidly, and we saw that the market was missing something that is flavorful, healthy, completely natural, and also looks appealing. Our vision is to expand and be available in stores all over Sweden.

What effect has the product on the food system and why is this important to you?

We’re trying to get people to choose kombucha over energy drinks, soda, and alcohol. Our flavorings are locally grown berries, fruit, flowers, and herbs because we want to address the importance of sourcing ingredients as locally as possible.

What is needed for companies like yours (SME:s) to succeed?

Good storytelling and engaging content.

What does it mean to be part of Foodtech Innovation Network?

It has connected us with a network, fellow entrepreneurs, and valuable knowledge that can be difficult to find on your own.

How do you benefit from meeting other entrepreneurs in the network?

The road of an entrepreneur can be hard, lonely, and confusing so it helps a lot knowing that you have a community that goes through the same things.

You attended the Foodtech Innovation Networks meet up with ICA, which resulted in you getting your product in a ICA store – tell us about that!

It’s an amazing feeling to see your product in an actual store and Foodtech Innovation Network made it possible for us to connect with the right people.