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A community shaping the future of food

From transforming agricultural practices to reimagining food production and ensuring food safety, the community offers a variety of world class foodtech solutions. Together we stand in the forefront ready to create the food system of the future.

Use the search below to browse our members’ solutions and please let us know if you can’t find a solution that meets your needs.

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Please feel free to contact us at Foodtech Innovation Network if you want to know more and we’ll get back to you.


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Providing the market with a new type of plant based drink that are both sustainable and nutritious. Most of the plant based drinks on market today are flawed in one of these two regards. Either the nutritional values are quite frankly very poor with high levels of sugars and low levels of proteins and healthy fatty acids, or the have a big negative environmental impact with de-forestation, excessive watering, lenghty transports etc. Our product is both high nutritious and highly sustainable.

Our vision is to push the boundries of the next generation of plant based sustainable foods. We want to make the sustainable choice an easy one by providing a product that is both delicious and nutritious. Consumers will no longer have to sacrifice anything when choosing a truly sustainable alternative.

Please feel free to contact us at Foodtech Innovation Network if you want to know more and we’ll get back to you.


Providing the market with a new type of plant based drink that are both sustainable and nutritious.

Go Cirkulär
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Go Cirkulär

Please feel free to contact us at Foodtech Innovation Network if you want to know more and we’ll get back to you.

Go Cirkulär

Nära & Naturlig
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Nära & Naturlig

Nära & Naturlig has developed a new innovative fish farming technology that reuses all farming water and residual product back into the internal production again.

SHI – Svensk hampaindustri AB
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Please feel free to contact us at Foodtech Innovation Network if you want to know more and we’ll get back to you.

SHI – Svensk hampaindustri AB

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Please feel free to contact us at Foodtech Innovation Network if you want to know more and we’ll get back to you.


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Please feel free to contact us at Foodtech Innovation Network if you want to know more and we’ll get back to you.


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Please feel free to contact us at Foodtech Innovation Network if you want to know more and we’ll get back to you.


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Please feel free to contact us at Foodtech Innovation Network if you want to know more and we’ll get back to you.