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Archive for april, 2022

Centrifugal separation processes for food and protein production: principles, separators, decanters, applications and process design

Publicerad: 4 april, 2022 av Markus Moestad |

Course Invitation.

During the 2-days the course, the participants will obtain fundamental knowledge of separation processes – high speed separators and decanters – and applications with regards to food applications. Furthermore, the course will include pilot tests, which will provide the participants hands-on experience with both high speed separators and decanters. The lecturers of the 2-days course will be industrial specialists in the field. The course will be suitable for personal and researchers working in the field of food protein production but also Master and PhD student.

High speed separators and decanter are well established in the food industry for the separating products with a density difference. Classic applications for separators are e.g. the skimming (fat removal) of milk or clarification of wine.

This will be a unique chance to learn more about separation technology and to ask all the questions you might have to our experts. In addition, you will have the opportunity to meet other companies, academics, and students interested in this field.