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Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av linnea akerberg |

Stockeld Dreamery

Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

Stockeld Dreamery was founded in 2019 by entrepreneur Sorosh Tavakoli and food scientist Anja Leissner in Stockholm, Sweden.

Stockeld’s vision is to create a cheese without cow’s dairy that is superior in taste and nutrition, constantly striving to use our planet’s resources wisely, accessible to all yet one of the top preferred cheeses by chefs and restaurants. Simply put, the world’s most ambitious cheese.

The company is backed by investors such as Astanor Ventures, Northzone, Inventure, Creandum, Eurazeo, Gullspång Re:food, and Norrsken VC.


Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av linnea akerberg |

Nordic Koji Co.

Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av linnea akerberg |

OMG Plantbased food

Publicerad: 24 april, 2023 av linnea akerberg |


Publicerad: 24 april, 2023 av linnea akerberg |


Publicerad: 24 april, 2023 av linnea akerberg |

Veg of Lund

Publicerad: 13 januari, 2023 av Malin Komaiszko |

Veg of Lund is a Swedish company that was started in 2016 with the vision of creating plant-based climate-smart and tasty food products.

The first product is the potato drink which is now sold in Europe under the DUG® brand. Since 2020, Veg of Lund has been listed on the First North Growth Market (symbol VOLAB).

SHI – Svensk hampaindustri AB

Publicerad: 27 september, 2022 av linnea akerberg |


Publicerad: 2 mars, 2022 av Malin Komaiszko |

Stacky’s is a reaction to the fact that the food industry seems to be stuck in a never-ending loop to create fake meat. Which is why much of the available plant-based food has become too pricy, filled with additives and doesn’t taste like meat nor good. 

Stacky’s is smarter food, made from Swedish produce without any additives. Choose from Hot & Spicy, Smokey BBQ or our well balanced Stacky’s Original.