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Vaquita Technologies

Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

We are developing a new sustainable technology that measures the levels of toxicity and pollution of water reservoirs in all areas around you, 24/7. Our goal is to make the planet, better for everyone, starting from today.


Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av linnea akerberg |


Publicerad: 6 juli, 2022 av linnea akerberg |

Nära & Naturlig

Publicerad: 9 juni, 2021 av linnea akerberg |

Helios Innovation

Publicerad: 18 maj, 2021 av linnea akerberg |


Publicerad: 18 maj, 2021 av linnea akerberg |


Publicerad: 17 maj, 2021 av linnea akerberg |


Publicerad: 17 maj, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

The United Nations is predicting a 40 % shortfall in freshwater resources by 2030, coupled with a rising world population.To contribute in handling this challenge, we at Watersprint provide a cost efficient UV LED purification system reducing up to 99,99 % of virus, bacteria, protozoa, cysts and other pathogens. We use cutting edge technology to change the game of water purification, undertaking continuous research to maximize inactivation of DNA/RNA. We do this by optimizing water flow, light reflection in reactor, geometry of reactor, LED control, flexible emission patterns, and wavelength. Our solution is flexible enough for any application, both as stand alone and as part of other manufacturers applications. The disinfection performance of our solutions is validated through a vast program of microbial tests in our lab and in cooperation with Lund University’s facilities, as well as independent validation by third party labs such as VA Syd, RISE and Synlab in Sweden and IWW in Germany. Trust us as your water experts in helping you find water purification solutions of superior and affordable quality!


To offer people around the world safe water, in a sustainable way.