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Foodtech Forum 2025 – registration open!

Publicerad: 18 december, 2024 av Elida Cimic |

Foodtech Forum is back — bigger, bolder, and better in 2025!

Mark your calendars for a full-day event where groundbreaking ideas, bold innovations, and future food systems take center stage. Welcome to Foodtech Forum 2025 — the ultimate meeting place for pioneers, professionals, and visionaries working to transform how we produce, distribute, and consume food.

What’s new and what to expect in 2025

We’re scaling up:

  • Bigger exhibition hall featuring cutting-edge solutions from member companies in the Foodtech Innovation Network — experience the food of tomorrow and taste it too.
  • More inspiring keynote sessions to challenge conventional thinking and uncover the drivers shaping the future of foodtech.
  • Enhanced networking opportunities for startups, scale-ups, investors, and industry leaders to collaborate and accelerate change.

The day will culminate with the Foodtech Forum Award — celebrating the Company of the Year and honouring the trailblazers driving the foodtech revolution.

Together, we’re not just imagining the food system of the future — we’re building it.

📅 Date: November 18th, 2025
🕘 Time: 12.30 – 17.00 CET
📍Location: To be announced, Malmö, Sweden

The registration is now open — secure your spot early and stay tuned for updates.

Early bird registration

The future of foodtech is here: Foodtech Forum 2024 sets the stage for innovation and sustainability

Publicerad: 16 december, 2024 av Elida Cimic |

Foodtech Forum 2024, held on November 12th at Slagthuset in Malmö, Sweden, brought together over 600 participants to explore the future of our food systems. Hosted by Foodtech Innovation Network, the event showcased groundbreaking ideas, technologies, and collaborations shaping tomorrow’s sustainable food systems.

Innovators redefining the future of foodtech

The event’s exhibition hall buzzed with energy as 34 Foodtech Innovation Network member companies presented their cutting-edge solutions. Attendees had the unique opportunity to not only see but also taste the future of food, engaging directly with innovators behind transformative products like sustainable proteins, and waste-reducing technologies.

“The Foodtech Forum is where ideas meet action. By bringing together pioneers, professionals, and visionaries, we accelerate the pace of change,” said Emelie Olsson, Project Manager at Foodtech Innovation Network.

Insights from foodtech leaders

The stage sessions featured visionary speakers who explored critical topics in foodtech, captivating the audience with their insights and forward-thinking strategies. Analisa Winther, a renowned expert on the future of food, moderated the event and delivered an urgent call to action, emphasizing the need for collective innovation, strategic collaboration, and a transformative shift in food habits to create lasting sustainability. Christine Gould, Founder and CEO of Thought For Food, discussed how scaling foodtech innovations can unlock trillions in value, fundamentally reshaping global food systems.

Johan Swahn, Ph.D., at The Taste Lab and TasteInsights offered a fascinating exploration into the science of taste, uncovering the powerful role flavour plays in driving consumer preferences, brand loyalty, and product success. Meanwhile, Axel Gruvaeus, Senior Analyst at Kairos Future, presented a compelling analysis of the modern foodie’s psyche, highlighting the tension between sustainability aspirations and the realities of everyday choices, while shedding light on the evolving values and behaviours shaping tomorrow’s food consumers.

Foodtech Forum Award 2024: Company of the Year

A highlight of the day was the announcement of the Foodtech Forum Award for ‘Company of the Year,’ presented to DiaPure, in proud collaboration with AFRY. DiaPure was recognized for its groundbreaking phosphorus-trapping technology, a game-changer in sustainable agriculture and industrial wastewater treatment. The award jury, which included Katrin Hedvall from AFRY, Daniel Skavén Ruben from FoodTech Weekly and Solvable Syndicate, Paul Archambeau from Kost Capital, and Fanny Sturén from Urban Deli, praised DiaPure for its scalability and market potential.

“DiaPure exemplifies the innovation and commitment needed to build a sustainable future,” said Katrin Hedvall, Business Unit Manager at AFRY.

Connecting a global community

Foodtech Forum 2024 proved to be more than an event; it was a movement. The day fostered countless connections, laying the groundwork for future collaborations and business opportunities. Attendees left inspired and equipped with new ideas and partnerships to tackle the pressing challenges in the food system.

As the doors closed, the sentiment was clear: the future of food is bright, and the journey to a more sustainable and innovative food system is well underway. Together, we create the food system of the future. Today.

Thank you to all Foodtech Innovation Network member companies who made this day possible: Oh Mungood, ARWA Foodtech, Saveggy, Glucanova, Cean Cravings, Gnista Spirits, Nandin Kimchi, Nothing FISHY, Hummusson , Mossagården, Simply No Waste, DiaPure, SHI – Svensk Hampaindustri, Seatrients, Mini Ferrum, Maisha Deli, Husmor Lisa, Angry Camel, OptiCept Technologies, Re:meat, Holisip, Stacky’s, Good Idea Drinks, MOOS Foods, Antonsson Holding, Naima , dSUM , Roots of Malmö, Lunar Food, Tempty Foods and LOW-KI.

Foodtech Forum 2024 – Empowering groundbreakers and future makers

Publicerad: 23 oktober, 2024 av Elida Cimic |

Get ready for a half-day event that will ignite your taste buds and supercharge your mind with the latest innovations in foodtech. Welcome to Foodtech Forum 2024, where pioneers, professionals, and visionaries converge to redefine the future of our food system!

What to expect

At Foodtech Forum, you’ll have the chance to meet the innovative member companies from the Foodtech Innovation Network and experience their cutting-edge solutions up close. In our exhibition hall, you’ll not only see the future of food — you’ll taste it too!

Our keynote speakers will delve into the future of food, revealing the immense potential of foodtech and identifying the key drivers for transforming the food system.

This forum is the premier meeting place for startups, scale-ups, established companies, investors, and professionals in retail and public meals. It’s your chance to expand your network and engage with forward-thinking individuals shaping the future of food.

And don’t miss the announcement of the Foodtech Forum Award for ’Company of the Year’, where we’ll celebrate groundbreaking contributions to the ongoing foodtech revolution.

Together we create the food system of the future. Today.

The event is free of charge, but space is limited, so secure your spot buy registration below.

📅 Date: November 12th
🕐 Time: 13.00 – 17.00 CET
📍 Place: Slagthuset, Malmö Sweden


Introducing Analisa Winther: Moderator of Foodtech Forum 2024

Publicerad: 4 september, 2024 av Elida Cimic |

Analisa Winther is set to return as the moderator of Foodtech Forum 2024, bringing her unparalleled expertise and passion for transforming the food industry. As a leading voice in foodtech, Analisa’s journey into this sector began with a profound realization: ”Food is the most powerful technology we have,” she reflects. ”It connects us to everything. By addressing food, we tackle the greatest challenges of our time.” This insight has driven her commitment to coaching entrepreneurs who are changing the world through food, making her an ideal choice to lead discussions at this year’s event.

Analisa’s involvement in Foodtech Forum has provided her with a unique perspective on the growth of the industry in Southern Sweden. ”Last year, I was amazed by the momentum in Southern Sweden to build a robust food system, especially in Skåne. Many attendees were surprised by the strength of the startup ecosystem and its potential to become a hub for innovation.” She attributes the success of the event to the diversity of sectors represented, from public procurement officers to investors, and the collaborative environment fostered by the Foodtech Forum team.

This year, as she prepares to moderate the Foodtech Forum once again, Analisa is eager to see how the foodtech ecosystem has evolved in Skåne. ”This region has all the ingredients to become a leading innovation hub, modeling the future of our food system in harmony with both community and nature. I can’t wait to reconnect and see what’s developed since last year.”

Foodtech Forum – empowering groundbreakers and future makers

Foodtech Forum offers a unique opportunity to spark collaboration and innovation. Attendees can look forward to a food-tasting exhibition showcasing the brilliant member companies within the Foodtech Innovation Network, keynote speakers unveiling the next big breakthroughs in foodtech, dynamic panel discussions where experts delve into the challenges and opportunities driving the industry forward, and the opportunity to forge invaluable connections.

Networking, according to Analisa, is invaluable in the foodtech industry. ”Relationships are the currency of life, and every business is built on them. Think of a supply chain—it’s a series of relationships that bring food from the farm to your plate.” Events like Foodtech Forum, she emphasizes, are crucial for developing innovation ecosystems and creating strategic connections that drive action and support the realization of big dreams.

For those still on the fence about attending Foodtech Forum, Analisa has a clear message: ”Go! Whether you’re in Sweden, Denmark, or abroad, Skåne is known as the breadbasket of Sweden for a reason. With deep agricultural roots, strong industry, an excellent educational ecosystem, and entrepreneurs ready to innovate, Skåne is poised to become a food innovation hotspot that anyone working on the future of food will want to connect with.”

A catalyst for industry transformation

Analisa Winther partners with visionary leaders to transform the food system, driven by her belief that food is the most powerful technology for healing the Earth. As Co-Founder of Top 50 Farmers and an experienced business matchmaker, she has over a decade of expertise in brokering deals that align entrepreneurs with investors to build the future of food. Host of the Future Food podcast, Analisa has interviewed over 150 industry leaders and inspired audiences worldwide to embrace visionary leadership and take action to change the world through food.

Analisa has witnessed significant shifts and trends that continue to shape the industry. Reflecting on recent developments, she notes, ”The regenerative movement is growing rapidly. There’s a strong and increasing interest in building a world and companies that work in harmony with nature.” This trend, driven by a vision for a sustainable future, is something she is particularly passionate about.

Looking ahead, Analisa is particularly enthusiastic about innovations inspired by nature. ”I’m excited about companies embracing biomimicry. Nature has been innovating for billions of years, and many entrepreneurs and designers are now looking to nature for inspiration rather than trying to reinvent the wheel.” She also highlights the rise of business models that incorporate community and nature as stakeholders, integrate biodiversity into supply chains, and blend ancient wisdom with modern technologies. These developments, she believes, will shape the next five years of foodtech innovation.

Register for Foodtech Forum 2024

Foodtech Innovation Network får fortsatt förtroende att driva utvecklingen av framtidens livsmedelssystem i Skåne och Blekinge

Publicerad: 21 februari, 2024 av Elida Cimic |

Foodtech Innovation Network har beviljats fortsatt förtroende att driva utvecklingen av framtidens livsmedelssystem av Tillväxtverket och Europeiska Regionala Utvecklingsfonden. Nytt för den nya projektperioden är att Innovation Skåne, Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Almi Företagspartner Skåne och Malmö Stad går in som partners, och Invest in Skåne som associerad partner.

Genom att bygga vidare på framgångarna och lärdomarna från tidigare genomförda projekt kommer Foodtech Innovation Network att förstärka sin position som en viktig katalysator för innovation inom livsmedelssystemet. Foodtech Innovation Network kommer nu att drivas av befintliga partners Innovation Skåne och Lunds Tekniska Högskola, samt nya partners Almi Företagspartner Skåne och Malmö Stad, och associerad partner Invest in Skåne. Det nya partnerskapet kommer att ge ytterligare en dimension som möjliggör en bredare och mer holistisk syn på branschen.

”Vi är övertygade om att dessa nya partners kommer att tillföra betydande expertis och resurser till Foodtech Innovation Network. Tillsammans kommer vi att kunna driva projektet mot nya höjder och skapa verkliga förändringar inom livsmedelssystemet i regionen”, säger Emelie Olsson, Project Manager.

Tillväxtrådgivning och teknisk expertis inom livsmedelsteknik kommer fortsatt att vara kärnan i projektet. Den nya projektperioden innebär även ett större fokus på att utforska nya Marknadskanaler samt att intensifiera insatserna inom hållbarhet. Med ökad medvetenhet om de globala miljöutmaningarna och konsumenternas efterfrågan på hållbara produkter, kommer Foodtech Innovation Network att vara i framkant när det gäller att främja innovativa och hållbara lösningar inom livsmedelssektorn.

”Vi är angelägna om att bygga vidare på våra tidigare erfarenheter och framgångar. Den nya satsningen kommer att ge oss möjlighet att inte bara stödja företag med teknisk expertis och affärsrådgivning utan också att vara en drivkraft för positiva förändringar inom branschen”, tillägger Malin Komaiszko, Community Manager.

Ta del av den fullständiga rapporten med alla resultat från tidigare arbete med Foodtech Innovation Network genom att klicka dig vidare nedan.

Rapport och resultat

”The large interest in the start up community shows that the Foodtech Innovation Network meets a real need”

Publicerad: 7 februari, 2024 av Elida Cimic |

Foodtech Innovation Network external evaluator Dr Maria Tunberg, has followed the network since the start and shares her insight and reflections on the process and its results during its first three years of operation. 

Jobs are created, and new sustainable food is on the market. Foodtech Innovation Network plays an important role in this development and showcases a positive impact on the foodtech scene in Sweden. I say this from the perspective of the external evaluator of this project. Being an evaluator means acting as a sounding board to the project managers, following up on the project’s proceedings, and not the least supporting knowledge transfer between different projects. I have hence had the pleasure of following their journey from day one. 

My main take away from their journey is that the network and the start up support provided in the project clearly fills a gap in the innovation system. The large interest in the start up community shows that the project meets a real need among foodtech companies. 

Part of the secret sauce seems to be the project management’s exceptional skill in finding a balance between structure and flexibility. Structured in terms of administration, project meetings and coherent and professional communication. Flexible in terms of quickly adapting to the needs of the network members. The project management has put pride in creating a model where the companies constitute the core and other stakeholders has to adapt to the need of the businesses. By doing this, the team has managed to provide companies with what they need, when they need it, and with great precision. 

Foodtech Innovation Network’s focus on new and sustainable food products and services is also very timely. It fits well into other trends in our society such as increasing focus on healthy food and low environmental impact from food production and consumption. 

I also want to highlight all the positive feedback the project has received from the companies in the network. Interviews and surveys among the network members show how the support from the team has helped many companies along their growth journey and given them contacts and opportunities that they would not have had otherwise. 

Foodtech Innovation Network has hence helped many foodtech companies to grow and introduce new sustainable food products on the market. From my perspective, this is an important contribution as healthy, sustainable and locally produced products are important aspects of a resilient and prosperous region. 

Maria has extensive theoretical and practical experience of organisational change management, she is especially skilled in issues located in the intersection between digitalisation and sustainability. Maria holds a PhD in Business Development from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Find all results and lessons learned from three years of work to increase innovation power and accelerate the growth of small and medium sized enterprises within the field of foodtech in the report below.

Foodtech Innovation Network flyttar det skånska livsmedelssystemet framåt genom att främja innovation, tillväxt och hållbar utveckling 

Publicerad: 30 november, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

Foodtech Innovation Network, som drivs av Innovation Skåne, Lunds Tekniska Högskola och Packbridge, är stolta över att presentera en ny rapport som sammanställer resultat och lärdomar från det treåriga arbetet med att främja innovation och påskynda tillväxten hos små och medelstora företag inom foodtech.  

”Foodtech har makten att revolutionera hur vi producerar, konsumerar och förhåller oss till mat. Genom nya produkter, innovativ teknik och ändrade matvanor, kan vi främja hälsa, hållbarhet och livsmedelssäkerhet. Det är här Foodtech Innovation Network kommer in i bilden.” Berättar Emelie Olsson och Malin Komaiszko, projektledare av Foodtech Innovation Network. 

Foodtech Innovation Network har 126 medlemsföretag, som ligger i framkant med nya och innovativa produkter inom sex kategorier – nya livsmedel, funktionella livsmedel, förpackningar och logistik, drycker, alternativa proteiner och tekniska leverantörer. Medlemsföretagen erbjuds individuellt stöd för att frigöra dess fulla potential så att de kan övervinna hinder, förfina sina strategier och öka sina chanser att lyckas. 

 ”Genom vårt nätverk av tillväxtrådgivare och experter, workshops, seminarier och individuell vägledning hjälper vi företagen att nå sina mål och utvecklas. På sikt bidrar det till att vi tillsammans skapar att hållbart livsmedelssystem som främjar innovation och ökar tillväxten i Skåne.” Berättar Emelie Olsson och Malin Komaiszko, projektledare av Foodtech Innovation Network. 

På tre år har Foodtech Innovation Network uppnått följande resultat: 

  • 126 företag har blivit medlemmar i nätverket och arbetar tillsammans för att främja ett bättre livsmedelssystem. 
  • 165 nya arbetstillfällen har skapats av medlemsföretagen i regionerna Skåne och Blekinge. 
  • 125 nya, innovativa produkter och processer har utvecklats, där 80% av dem har mindre miljöpåverkan än befintliga motsvarigheter på marknaden. 
  • 95 skräddarsydda åtgärder har vidtagits för att möta varje företags särskilda behov och öka deras framgång. 
  • 43 evenemang och möten har arrangerats för att ge medlemsföretagen möjligheter att träffa intressenter i branschen. 
  • Över 1000 nya kontakter, samarbeten och affärsmöjligheter har skapats genom projektets organiserade evenemang. 

Projektets följeforskare, Dr Maria Tunberg poängterar att projektet fyller ett reellt behov. 

”Projektet har som mål att erbjuda praktiskt stöd och expertis till små och medelstora företag. Intervjuer och enkäter bland medlemsföretagen visar på en mycket positiv feedback om stödet från Foodtech Innovation Network. Flera medlemsföretagen har berättat hur de har fått stöd i sin tillväxtresa och har fått värdefulla kontakter och möjligheter som de annars inte skulle haft tillgång till.” säger Dr Maria Tunberg.  

Foodtech Innovation Network har därmed spelat en avgörande roll i att stödja små och medelstora företag inom foodtech att växa och framgångsrikt introducera nya hållbara livsmedelsprodukter på marknaden. Denna inriktning sammanfaller med andra samhällstrender, såsom ökad efterfrågan på hälsosam mat och behov av minskad miljöpåverkan från livsmedelsproduktion och konsumtion.  

Ta del av fullständig rapport

Foodtech Forum brought the industry together to create the food system of the future

Publicerad: 2 juni, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

Foodtech Forum, by Foodtech Innovation Network, gathered 400 attendees – indicating the great need to increase the power of foodtech and innovation to create the food system of the future. The Forum resulted in several concrete connections and discussions on new business opportunities, and actions on how to push the food system towards a more sustainable food consumption.

Skåne has become a hub for innovative companies working to create a sustainable and healthy food system. The startups are leading the way with new and alternative paths for a more efficient global food system. That is why Foodtech Innovation Network created the Foodtech Forum – to accelerate the pace, promote collaboration and highlight innovative solutions. It was an opportunity to come together and taste the most recent products on the market, learn about the latest developments in foodtech, discuss the future of food, and network with like-minded professionals. Attendees included leading professionals in the industry and public sector, startups and established companies, investors, retailers, and experts in food science and technology.

”The great interest in the Foodtech Forum shows that foodtech is crucial to create a sustainable food system that can meet future demands here and now. Skåne has a long tradition of producing high-quality food, this expertise is now being combined with cutting-edge technology to create a food system that is not only sustainable but also innovative and competitive on a global scale.”

– Emelie Olsson and Malin Komaiszko, project managers for Foodtech Innovation Network.

Food-tasting exhibition hall

The Foodtech Forum featured a food-tasting exhibition hall with company members from Foodtech Innovation Network. They presented their innovative products with high ambition, creativity, and passion. The evaluation shows that a number of concrete contacts were made during the Forum and that it has already resulted in business opportunities being initiated.

”It was a very well organized and fruitful event. We made 10 connections with good quality that will lead us forward. We can’t wait to return next year!”

– Innoscentia

”Foodtech Forum was a great stage for showcasing the multitude and excellence of startups in Skåne. We met people with an interest in engaging themselves in our company, several service providers that may become relevant down the line, and a couple of consultants with focus on export.”

– InnovaChildfood

Panel discussions
The stage program was divided into three panel discussions on investments, public meals, and sales channels. The first panel included investors Erika Hombert from Hack Capital, Eric-Alan Rapp from Re:food, Daniel Skaven Ruben Angel Investor Foodtech and Hampus Jakobsson from Pale Blue Dot. They discussed trends, needs and the future of foodtech investments but also why Skåne startups are at the forefront of foodtech innovations.

The second panel included Eva Kvanta, Editor in chief at Magasin Måltid, Helena Rappe, Area manager Foodservice at Region Skåne, David Gustavsson, School chef of the year 2021 and Jenny Håkansson, Head of meal, health and care administration at Helsingborg Stad. Together they highlighted the impact new foodtech products have on public meals and what can be done to increase the range of local products to benefit the environment, society and its residents.

The final panel included Sara Maxence, Future Foodsystem Avocate, Peter Ferngård, Strategic Purchaser at Sorundahallarna and Rickard Sandahl, Founder and CEO of Mylla. The discussion revolved around new innovative channels and opportunities to go to market, how to scale as a startup and how the market will develop in the future in terms of new products and reaching the consumer.

The moderator of the day was Analisa Winther, expert on the future of food.

”This was a really great platform to convene the key food system actors in the same room. That’s when the magic happens.”

– Daniel Skaven Ruben, Angel Investor Foodtech

”The Forum gave us many interesting new ideas, so it was good to be there. We probably found four new partners with whom we will start collaborations in one way or another.”

– Peter Ferngård, Strategic Purchaser at Sorundahallarna

Thank you

We would like to thank all member companies that exhibited and pitched at the Foodtech Forum:

Bärta, Angry Camel, Simply No Waste, Scobybaby, Mossagården Eko, Oddbird Internationall, Maisha Deli, Nothing F!SHY, OptiCept Technologies, Alovivum, Nablus Mejerier, Casheury, Saveggy, Diapure, Asta, Hummusson, Veg of Lund, Framtidskultur Halland, Picayune, Scandinavian Algae, Edgy Veggie, Yofix Probiotics, ARWA FoodTech, Agrodit, DoubleGood, InnovaChildfood, Berry Lab, Gnista Spirits, Eatem, Stacky’s, Re:meat, HPP Nordic, Stockeld Dreamery, Glucanova, Koastal, Greenleaf Medical, SHI – Svensk Hampaindustri, Innoscentia, Roots of Malmö, Oh Mungood and Seatrients.

Foodtech Forum samlar branschen för att skapa framtidens livsmedelssystem

Publicerad: 23 april, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

Med en växande befolkning, skenande livsmedelspriser och ett 1,5-graders mål som rusar allt närmare är det viktigare än någonsin att förbättra livsmedelssystemet – och för att göra det behövs innovation. Skåne har blivit ett nav för innovativa företag som arbetar för att skapa framtidens hållbara och hälsosamma livsmedelssystem. Nu bjuder Foodtech Innovation Network, som drivs av Innovation Skåne, Lunds universitet LTH och Packbridge, in till Foodtech Forum för att för att öka farten, främja samarbete och lyfta fram innovativa lösningar.

Foodtech Forum äger rum den 25 april i Slagthuset Malmö och är ett initiativ för att förbättra livsmedelssystemet genom att främja samarbete inom branschen och driva fram innovativa lösningar. Det är en möjlighet att smaka på de senaste produkterna på marknaden från 43 små och medelstora företag, ta del av paneldiskussioner med deltagare i framkant av foodtech och nätverka med över 300 anmälda gäster.

”Det är första gången vi anordnar Foodtech Forum. Syftet med eventet är att visa upp alla de fantastiska företag och lösningar som finns. Detta är också en unik möjlighet att förbättra livsmedelssystemet med konkreta handlingar på plats”, säger Emelie Olsson och Malin Komaiszko, från Innovation Skåne, projektledare för Foodtech Innovation Network, och fortsätter ”Det stora intresset för Foodtech Forum visar att Skåne är navet för foodtech och innovation. Tillsammans kan vi skapa ett mer diversifierat, konkurrenskraftigt och innovativt livsmedelssystem som kan möta framtidens krav här och nu”.

Foodtech är avgörande för att skapa ett hållbart livsmedelssystem som kan möta framtidens krav. Det är en växande sektor som utforskar hur teknologi och innovation kan användas för att förbättra industrin genom att skapa effektivitet och hållbarhet i hur vi designar, producerar, distribuerar, konsumerar och gör oss av med mat. I Skåne har foodtech blivit ett viktigt fokusområde. Regionen har en lång tradition av att producera högkvalitativa livsmedel, denna expertis kombineras nu med banbrytande teknik för att skapa ett livsmedelssystem som inte bara är hållbart utan också innovativt och konkurrenskraftigt på global nivå.

”Foodtech och innovation är nyckeln till att skapa ett hållbart livsmedelssystem för framtiden, därför är det ett av Innovation Skånes prioriterade områden. Vårt mål är att driva innovationskraft inom foodtech och möta globala utmaningar med skånska lösningar, för att på sikt öka tillväxten i regionen” tydliggöra Lotta Törner, VD, Innovation Skåne.

Faktaruta: Foodtech Innovation Network arbetar med att öka innovationskraften i små och medelstora företag genom att stötta företag i deras uppskalningsresa. Foodtech Innovation Network utgår från behovet hos varje enskilt företag och gör individuella insatser så som till exempel expertstöd i livsmedelsteknik, stöd för provkörningar/analyser och förpackningsutveckling. På gruppnivå anordnar Foodtech Innovation Network kunskapsfördjupande seminarium och kurser i det senaste inom livsmedelsteknologi samt erfarenhetsutbyte mellan företagen i nätverket. Foodtech Innovation Network består idag av 121 medlemsföretag och växer.

Foodtech Innovation Network leds av Innovation Skåne, Lunds universitet LTH och Packbridge, och finansieras delvis av den Europeiska Regionala Utvecklingsfonden för Skåne och Bleking.

Foodtech Forum: Together we create the food system of the future, today.

Publicerad: 21 mars, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

Foodtech Innovation Network offers a unique opportunity for start-ups, industry professionals, public organizations, investors, and academics to come together and taste the most recent products on the market, learn about the latest developments in foodtech, discuss the future of food, and network with like-minded professionals.

The Foodtech Forum is a half-day event that will take place on the 25th of April in Slagthuset Malmö. It will include a food-tasting exhibition, pitches from the stage, panel discussions, and networking opportunities.

The food industry is rapidly changing, and innovation is playing a vital role in shaping its future. We believe that collaboration is essential to create a sustainable and efficient food system for the future. The Foodtech Forum aims to facilitate this collaboration by bringing together stakeholders from across the food industry. Take the unique opportunity to join, you don’t want to miss it!

Together we create the food system of the future. Today.


25 APRIL 13:00 – 17:00


Agenda and registration