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Vaquita Technologies

Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

We are developing a new sustainable technology that measures the levels of toxicity and pollution of water reservoirs in all areas around you, 24/7. Our goal is to make the planet, better for everyone, starting from today.

Cold and dry

Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av linnea akerberg |

HPP Nordic

Publicerad: 13 januari, 2023 av linnea akerberg |


Publicerad: 30 november, 2022 av linnea akerberg |

Sustainable Food Waste SFW

Publicerad: 11 maj, 2022 av Malin Komaiszko |

Today, the food chain doesn’t know how the shelf life of frozen and chilled food is affected by changes in temperature. To be on the safe side in the event of a temperature deviation, the food is thrown away. The innovative SFW app can, with the help of a secured database, deliver clear and up-to-date information on how a product’s shelf life has been affected by a rise in temperature. Which benefits the various players in the food chain through ensure shelf life, reduced food waste and a reduced environmental impact.

In order to meet the need for food from the global population increase, more food must be produced in the next four decades than in the last 9,000 years! At the same time as global hunger is increasing, a third of all food produced is thrown away, a large part of that fraction arises due to temperature deviations. One problem is very often the uncertainty surrounding remaining shelf life. Sustainable Food Waste SFW is a FoodTech startup that wants to contribute to a responsible and sustainable handling of tempered food with a clear vision: No food waste caused by temperature deviations!

Publicerad: 20 december, 2021 av linnea akerberg |

DOMO Animals AB

Publicerad: 20 december, 2021 av linnea akerberg |

Gasporox AB

Publicerad: 21 september, 2021 av linnea akerberg |

TekInn AB

Publicerad: 21 september, 2021 av Malin Komaiszko |

The company’s core technology is antibacterial surfaces. These are created via a metal complex which via the company’s polymer technology can be bonded to different types of surfaces.

Birka BioStorage

Publicerad: 13 september, 2021 av linnea akerberg |