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Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av linnea akerberg |

Vaquita Technologies

Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

We are developing a new sustainable technology that measures the levels of toxicity and pollution of water reservoirs in all areas around you, 24/7. Our goal is to make the planet, better for everyone, starting from today.

Framtidskultur Halland

Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av linnea akerberg |


Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av linnea akerberg |

Stockeld Dreamery

Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

Stockeld Dreamery was founded in 2019 by entrepreneur Sorosh Tavakoli and food scientist Anja Leissner in Stockholm, Sweden.

Stockeld’s vision is to create a cheese without cow’s dairy that is superior in taste and nutrition, constantly striving to use our planet’s resources wisely, accessible to all yet one of the top preferred cheeses by chefs and restaurants. Simply put, the world’s most ambitious cheese.

The company is backed by investors such as Astanor Ventures, Northzone, Inventure, Creandum, Eurazeo, Gullspång Re:food, and Norrsken VC.


Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

We develop and sell functional food products consisting of a herbal mix that can help people relax and fall asleep easier.

WellBeMed was founded based on an idea for developing healthy and well documented products that can help against lifestyle-related health problems. We are active in the area of sleep, and we develop and sell food products with lemon balm that can help people fall asleep easier. Under the brand WellBeSleep, we sell bars and shots for evening use, and we are present in Sweden and the UK.

We saw a gap in the market for tasty, healthy food products that can facilitate more sleep and a more sustainable lifestyle.

Standing behind WellBeMed is a group of acclaimed experts from the Swedish food industry and academia.


• Increase quality of life for people by contributing to solutions that relieve lifestyle-related health problems.
• Healthy and available products for all to use and that are sustainable.
• Remain a responsible business.


Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av linnea akerberg |

Nordic Koji Co.

Publicerad: 19 juli, 2023 av linnea akerberg |

OMG Plantbased food

Publicerad: 24 april, 2023 av linnea akerberg |


Publicerad: 24 april, 2023 av linnea akerberg |