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Tillsammans mot framtidens livsmedelssystem

Publicerad: 22 mars, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Foodtech Innovation Network bjuder in till en konferens där du kommer att få möjlighet att djupdyka i innovation och entreprenörskap med fokus på livsmedelssystemet.

Tillsammans undersöker vi varför vissa innovationer lyckas och andra inte, hur den offentliga sektorn kan bidra till en hållbar framtid och vad som styr våra matval. Samtidigt får du en chans att träffa spännande livsmedelsföretag från Foodtech Innovation Network. Låt oss ta ytterligare ett steg in i framtiden, idag.

NÄR? 12 maj, kl 09.00-13.00
VAR? Studio Meetingpoint (lokal Mega) Nordenskiöldsgatan 24, Malmö

Observera att konferensen hålls på svenska samt äger rum fysiskt och har begränsat antal platser, först till kvarn gäller. Sista anmälningsdag är 6 maj.


Meet ARWA Foodtech

Publicerad: 17 januari, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

ARWA Foodtech has developed a range of nourishing and tasty drinks and sauces that combine the properties of Swedish oats and traditional African baobab fruit. This is their story.

Hi Arwa Mustafa, founder and CEO of ARWA Foodtech, tell us a little about yourselves, who are you?

I am a dedicated senior researcher with M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Food Science, and more than a decade of experience in the field of innovation and new product development, focusing on functional foods, and health products using Green and Clean Technologies and adapting UN-SDGs. I have received several innovation awards and have a patent.

Tell us a little about ARWA Foodtech and the product.

The company specialised in developing novel food products with health-promoting properties. Our mission is to create nutritious and health-promoting products from the baobab fruit, as well as giving back know-how to the baobab countries of origin. “Giving Forward & Giving Back” is our motto.

Our products are vegan diet adapted and offer tasty and healthy plant-based shakes, high protein fiber snacks, and savory sauces that boost iron intake. It is an excellent source of other essential nutrients: omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

What effect has the product on the food system and why is this important to you?

Our promise is to produce tasty, healthy, diversified, and clear-label products for all categories of customers. We are committed to green tech since we have health and sustainability in focus. For me personally, as well as my team, we aim to contribute to a more sustainable food system for sustainable health using science and technology as a tool.

How do you think food consumption will look in the future?

There will be more focus in food for health, plant-based, and more diversified and healthy diets.

What is needed for an SME like yours to succeed?

Apart from the obvious, I believe, it is a dedicated team who shares a passion for the same cause and a lot of patience.

What does it mean to be part of Foodtech Innovation Network?

It is very important to be a member of an ecosystem that supports and encourages the journey. There has been a lot of exchange of learning and experiences between fellows in the network.

You have received support for analyses and test runs from Foodtech Innovation Networks – how was that and what has it contributed to?

It was received with great appreciation since it helped us with some milestones.

Meet Heja Havre

Publicerad: 17 januari, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

What happens when a small business meets the Foodtech Innovation Network advisory board?

”We actually got in contact with a company through one of the advisors, and we have now developed new flavors for them. We did not expect that.” explains Maja von Szokolay, Co-founder & CEO, and Stella Heffler, Co-founder & Sales Manager, at Heja Havre.

Meet Heja Havre, a Foodtech Innovation Network member, that simplifies the stressful everyday life with an instant porridge made with Scanian oats. In this interview, they share their views on the future of the food production system and why being a member of the network is beneficial.

Guest speaker performance on the Swedish foods strategy

Publicerad: 17 januari, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

In late December, Emelie Olsson, project manager at Foodtech Innovation Network, participated at the conference ”Together we reach the goals for the Swedish foods strategy”. The conference was arranged by Tillväxtverket, Vinnova och Jordbruksverket.

Sustainability, profitability and collaboration. These were the three words that permeated the entire conference and panel discussion where Emelie participated with Marie Gidlund, Sweden Food Arena, and Anna Eldestrand, Tillväxtverket. The discussion focused on the ongoing change in the food system and the innovative initiatives surrounding the food sector, both in terms of developing business opportunities and finding new ways to collaborate.

“The food industry is developing rapidly and it is important to keep the steam going! […] We need to take advantage of the innovative power that exists to be able to contribute to a sustainable future.” tells Emelie. Which is in line with the food strategy. The goal for the food strategy is increased and sustainable production of food that can lead to more jobs and sustainable growth throughout the country.

Meet up with ICA

Publicerad: 23 november, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

On November 17, 2021, Foodtech Innovation Network invited ICA Sweden and ICA retailers from Skåne to meet a number of members in Lund. The member companies exhibited their products and presented their business ideas to the visitors. The meeting resulted in several concrete discussion on new business opportunities and how to start selling products through the ICA system.

Foodtech Innovation Network decided to invite ICA to a meet up after a highly appreciated digital community meeting, conducted this fall, where ICA Sweden gave an introduction and hands-on tools on how to sell products through the ICA system, both national and local.

The purpose of the meet up was to introduce ICA retailers to the member companies who offer a variety of world-class foodtech solutions which are reinforcing the food system.

In the video (in Swedish), Sara Maxence, Innovation Manager, ICA Sweden, and Michal Wieloch, ICA traders, ICA Supermarket Fäladstorget, explains why small and medium-sized companies with innovative drive are interesting to them and why innovation is needed to create the food system of the future.

”The Foodtech Innovation Network meeting here today is super interesting for us because it means that we get an opportunity to see what is happening locally in Skåne and all the innovation that is going on here,” says Sara Maxence. Michal Wieloch goes on to say ”These are the company’s of the future […] I did not think it was as fantastic as it is today, where I have already shaken hands with ten new suppliers to my store”.

The video also features Eric Calderon, Co-Founder, Raging Pig, who shares his view on the ICA meet up and what effect his product has on the food system.

Thanks to the member companies: Roots of Malmö, Mossagården, Edgy Veggie, Agvital, Torsebrew Kombucha, Arwa FoodTech, Concellae & Doktor Honung, Lufu, Maisha Deli Sweden, Yelte, Ooble, The Raging Pig Company, Harvest of Ecuador, Lupinta and Seatrients.

Together we create the food system of the future, today.

Foodtech Innovation Network Conference 2021

Publicerad: 8 juni, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Take part of the Foodtech Innovation Network Conference May 20 2021 and meet the food entrepreneurs and the food actors working towards the food system of the future.

The food system is complex, but we all know that if we want to create a future which is sustainable for planet and people, food is where we need to start. There is no one solution, but many pieces of the puzzle. Innovative value-drive and fast moving SME:s, as our members in the in Foodtech Innovation Network, are part of the solution. Another part is forward-looking larger companies trying to pull their part in contributing to tomorrows food system.  

During the Foodtech Innovation Network conference we had the great pleasure to listen to a mix of speakers starting of with Daniel Skaven Ruben setting the context of the challenge thought his presentation “Unlocking food system opportunities through tech and innovation”. Daniel shared important facts and fascinating insight both on the food system from a planetary point of view as well as from the eyes of an entrepreneur. Sara Maxence shared insights from ICA Sweden in here presentation “Innovating the Future of Food” and invited SME:s for collaboration. Henrik Ringdah shared is thought on way furniture company as IKEA find food so very important in “The IKEA steps to create a better everyday life”.

During the morning we meet in total eight Foodtech Innovation Networks members in studio talks discussion the existence, struggles and future for SMEs within food as well as their work on preventing food waste, alternative proteins and development of new technology.  

Together we create the food system of the future. Today. 

Please feel free to take part part of the conference in the video above.


0:00 Together we create the food system of the future. Today. Moderator: Carin Daal

5:27 Unlocking food system opportunities through tech and innovation Daniel Skaven Ruben, Head of Strategy and Special Projects, Stockeld Dreamery

30:34 Studio talk on preventing food waste Eda Demir Westman, COO, OptiCept Technologies Erik Månsson, CEO, Innoscentia Filip Åkerblom, CEO, Lilla Kafferosteriet

45:17 Innovating the Future of Food Sara Maxence, Innovation Manager, ICA Sweden

1:11:39 Studio talk on alternative proteins Ebba Fröling, COO, Mycorena Eslam Salah, CEO, Lupinta Katarina Furin, CEO, Edgy Veggy

1:25:14 The IKEA steps to create a better everyday life Henrik Ringdahl, Range Selector, IKEA of Sweden

1:46:09 Studio talk on new technology Edvard Hall, CEO, Bioextrax Henrik Thuresson, Business Development Manager, Watersprint

Together we create the food system of the future. Today.

Publicerad: 17 maj, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

This is your chance to meet the food entrepreneurs working towards the food system of the future. On this date, we will officially present our members and invite you to listen and take action on their solutions. We have also invited speakers and actors working to find tomorrow’s solutions within foodtech. Let’s connect and take one more step into the future together, today.

May 20, 09.00-12.00 CET
Digital and corona-safe, a link will be distributed to your e-mail.
This event is free of charge.


Together we create the food system of the future. Today.
Moderator: Carin Daal

Unlocking food system opportunities through tech and innovation
Daniel Skaven Ruben, Head of Strategy and Special Projects, Stockeld Dreamery

Innovating the Future of Food
Sara Maxence, Innovation Manager, ICA Sweden

The IKEA steps to create a better everyday life
Henrik Ringdahl, Range Selector, IKEA of Sweden

Studio talks
Foodtech Innovation Network members

Take the opportunity to discuss everything foodtech related and start new business ventures together.

Sydsvensk satsning ska öka tillväxten inom livsmedelsindustrin

Publicerad: 2 december, 2020 av Elida Cimic |

Sverige är ett av de länder i världen som ligger i topp i innovationsrakningen, men när det kommer till livsmedelsfokuserad innovation hamnar Sverige först på en 14 plats i Europa. Nu lanseras projektet Foodtech Innovation Network med syfte att öka tillväxten hos små och medelstora företag i Skåne och Blekinge. Detta genom att skapa ett nätverk för kunskapsutbyte samt tillgängliggöra testbäddar där företag kan utveckla sina produkter, processer och koncept tillsammans med tekniska experter från olika delar av branschen.

De skånska förutsättningarna är på många sätt unika. Här finns en av världens bästa jordbruksmarker samt världsledande forskning inom livsmedel, material, gastronomi, miljö och animalieproduktion. Trots att hälften av den mat som produceras i Sverige kommer från Skåne, och hälften av den svenska livsmedelsindustrin är skånsk, visar den skånska livsmedelsstrategin 2030 att läget inom flera områden behöver förbättras.

– Trots goda förutsättningar kan vi se hur resurser inte används till dess fulla potential. Genom att stötta innovationskraften hos små och medelstora företag bidrar vi till tillväxt på hemmaplan samtidigt som vi kan sprida innovativa foodtech-lösningar ut i världen, säger Emelie Olsson, Innovationsledare på Innovation Skåne. 

Ett hinder för tillväxt av små och medelstora bolag är avsaknad av testbäddar. Med detta som utgångspunkt har Innovation Skåne, Lunds universitets institution för Livsmedelsteknik och institution för Kemiteknik, Netport Science Park och Packbridge startat projektet Foodtech Innovation Network.

Foodtech Innovation Network har som mål att bidra till tillväxt i Skåne och Blekinge. Detta genom att accelerera innovationskraften i små och medelstora företag inom foodtech som på sikt kan bidra till lösningar på lokala och globala utmaningar genom skalbara innovationer. Projektet tillgängliggör testbäddar där små och medelstora företag kan utveckla sina produkter, processer och koncept tillsammans med tekniska experter. Företagen kommer också att erbjudas utbildning och i vissa fall även innovation- och tillväxtstöd.

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