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Skånsk innovation och lokala leverantörer leder livsmedelsystemet framåt när ICA-handlare bjöd in till träff i Malmö

Publicerad: 7 december, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Det svenska livsmedelssystemet fungerar inte idag, vi står inför stora utmaningar gällande miljö, klimat och folkhälsa. För att vända utvecklingen måste tillväxten och innovationskraften i små och medelstora företag accelereras för att snabbare bidra till lösningar på lokala och globala utmaningar. 

Det är just innovativa startups som har lösningarna som kommer att leda till transformationen inom livsmedelssystemet som är nödvändig. De har möjlighet att pådriva utvecklingen och göra att det går snabbt, samt att utmana de stora aktörerna som finns på marknaden redan idag. 

Tisdag den 25 oktober bjöd ICA i samarbete med Foodtech Innovation Network och Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund in till en träff för att stötta innovativa lösningar och lokala leverantörer i Skåne. Drygt 100 handlare och medarbetare från lokala ICA-butiker samt representanter från ICA Sverige besökte Malmö för att ta del av det senaste inom matinnovation. Ett 40-tal lokala startups och matentreprenörer visade upp sina produkter och lösningar för besökarna. 

– Min absoluta förhoppning är att framtidens livsmedelskonsumtion ser exakt ut som det vi ser här idag. Att vi ser nya produkter som utmanar de som finns på hyllan idag. Att vi har nya lösningar, nya innovativa produkter och alternativ som är bättre för planeten, människan och för vår hälsa säger Malin Komaiszko, Innovationsledare, Foodtech, Innovation Skåne. 

– För ICA handlar innovation om ständig förbättring och om att skapa nya möjligheter. Det behövs handlingskraft och mod att prova nytt. Den här träffen är ett sätt att skapa förutsättningar för nya samarbeten och stötta den lokala affären i Skåne säger Sara Maxence, Innovation Manager, ICA Sverige

Målsättningen med träffen var att tillgängliggöra nya produkter för handlare och i förlängningen även slutkonsumenten. På så sätt förenkla och möjliggöra övergången till framtidens hållbara livsmedelssystem. 

– Jag tycker det är vår skyldighet att vara med här idag och vår skyldighet att stå upp för den svenska gröna näringen och göra skillnad på riktigt. Framförallt, att ge marknadsplats åt dem i våra butiker säger Stefan Wieloch, ICA Kvantum Eslöv

Ett av startupen som var på plats var Yelte, medlem i Foodtech Innovation Network. De tillverkar en hampamjölk som löser behovet hos dem som söker efter en produkt med högt näringsvärde och hållbarhet. 

– För oss på Yelte var träffen en jättebra möjlighet att få träffa beslutsfattare som kan vara svåra att nå i vanliga fall. Men också att få feedback som är otroligt värdefull. Man kan alltid testa med vänner och bekanta, men att få en ofiltererad spontan reaktion av någon som är inköpschef eller produktutvecklare är jätte värdefullt för oss säger Peter Andersson, VD, Yelte

Resultat i siffror

Efter evenemanget genomfördes en undersökning bland de startups och matentreprenörer som deltog. Undersökningen visar följande resultat:

  • 96 % tyckte att träffen var värdefull
  • 96 % skapade nya kontakter
  • För 63 % förväntas träffen leda till konkreta affärer
  • Totalt skapades ca 240 kontakter mellan bolag och handlare
  • Ca 100 av kontakterna uppskattas leda till nya affärer för bolagen


Stort tack till alla ICA-handlare, -medarbetare och övriga -representanter som möjliggjorde och deltog i evenemanget, och ett stort tack till alla startups och matentreprenörer visade upp sina produkter och lösningar för besökarna: Torsebrew Kombucha, Mossagården Eko, Simply No Waste, Lilla Kafferosteriet, Maisha Deli, POOW The Food Hero, Alovivum, Edgy Veggie, & our friends, Gnista Spirits, Scobybaby kombucha, Greenleaf Medical, ConServ Sverige, Nothing F!SHY, Seatrients, Roots of Malmö, Remmarlöv Gårdsbryggeri, Green Fries Sweden, Eslövs Vinäger, Da Aldo, Skånsk Chili, Tamini, Österlenkryddor, FarmUp, Lundabryggeriet, Nordqvistsspettkaksbageri, Lupinta, Oddbird International, Natural Edu, Tosterups Gård, Yelte, EVE Rebellion, BAGERS, Per I Viken Chark, BAGER´s, Arwa Foodtech och Harvest of Ecuador.

Meet Torsebrew Kombucha

Publicerad: 22 november, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Torsebrew kombucha is looking to change the way people drink alcohol-free with a flavorful, healthy, completely natural drink made from carefully selected ingredients. This is their story.

Hi Amanda and Adela Johansson, founders of Torsebrew Kombucha! Tell us a little about yourselves.

We are twin sisters and started the company during covid-19, just as we moved back home to Sweden from Los Angeles.

What is Torsebrew Kombucha and why did you start your company?

We make a fresh, tart, and a bubbly drink called kombucha. The need for functional beverages is growing rapidly, and we saw that the market was missing something that is flavorful, healthy, completely natural, and also looks appealing. Our vision is to expand and be available in stores all over Sweden.

What effect has the product on the food system and why is this important to you?

We’re trying to get people to choose kombucha over energy drinks, soda, and alcohol. Our flavorings are locally grown berries, fruit, flowers, and herbs because we want to address the importance of sourcing ingredients as locally as possible.

What is needed for companies like yours (SME:s) to succeed?

Good storytelling and engaging content.

What does it mean to be part of Foodtech Innovation Network?

It has connected us with a network, fellow entrepreneurs, and valuable knowledge that can be difficult to find on your own.

How do you benefit from meeting other entrepreneurs in the network?

The road of an entrepreneur can be hard, lonely, and confusing so it helps a lot knowing that you have a community that goes through the same things.

You attended the Foodtech Innovation Networks meet up with ICA, which resulted in you getting your product in a ICA store – tell us about that!

It’s an amazing feeling to see your product in an actual store and Foodtech Innovation Network made it possible for us to connect with the right people.

Spray drying and powder technology for food production and protein technology

Publicerad: 14 november, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

During this two-day course, 25-26 January, you will gain fundamental knowledge about the technology of spray-drying.

Spray drying is a drying method for liquid products where the liquid is atomized through nozzles or sprayers under high pressure. The technique is widely used for the production of a wide variety of powders within the food sector such as dairy powders, protein powders, instant coffee, fat powders, etc. but also non-food products such as detergents, pharmaceutical powders, ceramic materials, fertilizers, etc. Lectures will also be held on the characterization of spray-dried powders and how different characteristics influence powder properties such as flowability and behavior at rehydration.

The course will include pilot tests, which will provide the participant’s hands-on experience. This will be a unique chance to learn more about separation technology. In addition, you will have the opportunity to meet other companies, academics, and students interested in this field.

Schedule and registration

Region Skåne efterlyser högkoncentrerat veganskt proteinsubstitut samt energirika klara buljonger

Publicerad: 14 november, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Region Skåne arbetar konsekvent med hållbarhet och är nu ute efter att hitta nya veganska proteinsubstitut och energirika klara buljonger.

I samarbete med Foodtech Innovation Network och Region Skåne erbjuds nu en behovsworkshop där utmaningarna presenteras och där bolag ges möjlighet att presentera förslag på lösningar i ett enskilt samtal direkt med Regionens representanter. Workshopen syftar till att ha en tidig dialog med marknaden för att förstå möjligheter och dela erfarenheter och förhoppningsvis även lösningar för framtiden. 

  • Kort introduktion om Region Skåne och arbetet kring måltider
  • Presentation behov framöver, fokus veganska proteinsubstitut och buljonger
  • Enskilda samtal där lösningar presenteras

NÄR? Tors 24 november, 10.00-12.00
VAR? Innovation Skåne, Scheeletorget 1, Lund.


Observera att du kan välja att endast lyssna in på mötet (introduktionen och presentationen). Du kan också välja att delta fysiskt eller digitalt. Vänligen ange dina val i formuläret nedan. This event will be held in Swedish.

Meet SunFeeds

Publicerad: 25 juli, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

What was the outcome of the support and test runs you received from Foodtech Innovation Network?

”When we first came to Foodtech Innovation Network we were searching for a way to produce in an industrial scale since we were still stuck in a lab scale. And we got a lot of support with finding the right way from experts and seminars” says Elsa Sjödahl, co-founder SunFeeds.

Iris Bjerkén, co-founder SunFeeds, explains further ”We got help with recipe formulation, exactly what we needed to go to industrial scale. We did not want to go there with a half-good recipe, that would have been a waste of time and money.”

Meet SunFeeds, a Foodtech Innovation Network member, that aims to create new nutritional energy food that could fill the existing gaps in the market and facilitate it in the right way. Today, there are two different products. SunFeeds-cream is developed to meet the needs of elderly care in the healthcare- system. SunFeeds RUTF is aimed for children who suffer from severe malnutrition. Both products are easily packaged in a portion-sized sachet with long shelf life which makes them easy to distribute and for care-personal to serve.

00:07 What problem is your product solving?
00:31 What is SunFeeds?
01:28 What is your vision with SunFeeds?
02:57 How has the development of the product been?
04:38 What effect has the product on the food system?
05:43 What is needed for SME:s to succeed?
06:21 What does it mean to be a member of Foodtech Innovation Network?
07:31 What was the outcome of the support and test runs from Foodtech Innovation Network?

Meet Ooble Innovations

Publicerad: 25 juli, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

What happens when a small businesses receives support from the Foodtech Innovation Network technical experts?

”Wa are getting support to get the pilot scale of the product going forward and that is exactly what we need with our startup. The support we have got has been crucial because every single piece of advice is important to us.” explains Divya Mohan, founder of Ooble Innovations.

Meet Ooble Innovations, a Foodtech Innovation Network member, that aims at bridging sustainability and innovation within the food packaging industry starting with edible packaging that is desirable and viable for consumers.

00:05 What problem is your product solving?
00:50 What is your vision with Ooble?
02:28 What effect has the product on the food system?
03:32 What challenges have you encountered?
04:50 What is needed for SME:s to succeed?
05:41 What does it mean to be a member of Foodtech Innovation Network?
06:51 Do you benefit from meeting other entrepreneurs in the network?
07:36 What was the outcome of the support you received from Foodtech Innovation Network technical experts?

Foodtech Innovation Network Conference 2022

Publicerad: 25 maj, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

On May 12 2022, Foodtech Innovation Network invited the food industry, innovation system, public sector, academy and small and medium sized enterprises to discuss and adress the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship when developing the food system. The conference resulted in several concrete discussion on new business opportunities and how to push the food system towards a more sustainable food consumption.

The main focus of the conference was to examine why some innovations succeed and others don’t, how the public sector can contribute to a sustainable future and what governs our food choices. We had the great pleasure to listen to a mix of eminent guest speakers. Starting of with Maureen McKelvey setting the context of the challenge thought her presentation ’Doing innovation together in toodtech: a knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial ecosystem perspective’ and Madeleine Linins Mörner presenting what established enterprises can learn from startups.

Maria Wolrath Söderberg continued with explaining why we do climate-damaging actions even though we know we shouldn’t and Christian Godden added how sustainable food communication works. While Monica Sihlén presented how to create a more sustainable society with the right procurement.

Concrete examples were presented by Foodtech Innovation Network members Philip Fransson from POOW the food hero, Eric Calderon from Raging Pig Co and Anders Clarensius from Edgy Veggie.

Finally, Gustaf Brandberg, summarized and presented what we will eat in 10 and 100 years from now.

Leading the way

We can see that innovative and fast moving startups are pushing the food system towards a more sustainable food consumption, creating a future which is durable for the planet. Swedish foodtech startups are leading the way with new and alternative paths for a more efficient global food system. A proof of that are all member companies that exhibited their products and presented their business ideas to the visitors during the conference.

Thanks to our member companies who shared their experience on stage: POOW the food hero, Raging Pig Co and Edgy Veggie.

Thanks to our member companies that exhibited at the conference : Gnista Spirits, Seatrients, Edgy Veggie​, Mossagården Eko, Harvest of Ecuador​, Yama Salt​, Simply No Waste, Koastal, Good Idea​, Comfoo​, Roots of Malmö​ and Yelte.​​

Thanks to our member companies that served  breakfast, fika and lunch: Maisha Deli, Arwa Foodtech, Yelte and Mossagården.

Together we create the food system of the future, today.

Guest speakers

Tillsammans mot framtidens livsmedelssystem

Publicerad: 22 mars, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Foodtech Innovation Network bjuder in till en konferens där du kommer att få möjlighet att djupdyka i innovation och entreprenörskap med fokus på livsmedelssystemet.

Tillsammans undersöker vi varför vissa innovationer lyckas och andra inte, hur den offentliga sektorn kan bidra till en hållbar framtid och vad som styr våra matval. Samtidigt får du en chans att träffa spännande livsmedelsföretag från Foodtech Innovation Network. Låt oss ta ytterligare ett steg in i framtiden, idag.

NÄR? 12 maj, kl 09.00-13.00
VAR? Studio Meetingpoint (lokal Mega) Nordenskiöldsgatan 24, Malmö

Observera att konferensen hålls på svenska samt äger rum fysiskt och har begränsat antal platser, först till kvarn gäller. Sista anmälningsdag är 6 maj.


Meet ARWA Foodtech

Publicerad: 17 januari, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

ARWA Foodtech has developed a range of nourishing and tasty drinks and sauces that combine the properties of Swedish oats and traditional African baobab fruit. This is their story.

Hi Arwa Mustafa, founder and CEO of ARWA Foodtech, tell us a little about yourselves, who are you?

I am a dedicated senior researcher with M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Food Science, and more than a decade of experience in the field of innovation and new product development, focusing on functional foods, and health products using Green and Clean Technologies and adapting UN-SDGs. I have received several innovation awards and have a patent.

Tell us a little about ARWA Foodtech and the product.

The company specialised in developing novel food products with health-promoting properties. Our mission is to create nutritious and health-promoting products from the baobab fruit, as well as giving back know-how to the baobab countries of origin. “Giving Forward & Giving Back” is our motto.

Our products are vegan diet adapted and offer tasty and healthy plant-based shakes, high protein fiber snacks, and savory sauces that boost iron intake. It is an excellent source of other essential nutrients: omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

What effect has the product on the food system and why is this important to you?

Our promise is to produce tasty, healthy, diversified, and clear-label products for all categories of customers. We are committed to green tech since we have health and sustainability in focus. For me personally, as well as my team, we aim to contribute to a more sustainable food system for sustainable health using science and technology as a tool.

How do you think food consumption will look in the future?

There will be more focus in food for health, plant-based, and more diversified and healthy diets.

What is needed for an SME like yours to succeed?

Apart from the obvious, I believe, it is a dedicated team who shares a passion for the same cause and a lot of patience.

What does it mean to be part of Foodtech Innovation Network?

It is very important to be a member of an ecosystem that supports and encourages the journey. There has been a lot of exchange of learning and experiences between fellows in the network.

You have received support for analyses and test runs from Foodtech Innovation Networks – how was that and what has it contributed to?

It was received with great appreciation since it helped us with some milestones.

Meet Heja Havre

Publicerad: 17 januari, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

What happens when a small business meets the Foodtech Innovation Network advisory board?

”We actually got in contact with a company through one of the advisors, and we have now developed new flavors for them. We did not expect that.” explains Maja von Szokolay, Co-founder & CEO, and Stella Heffler, Co-founder & Sales Manager, at Heja Havre.

Meet Heja Havre, a Foodtech Innovation Network member, that simplifies the stressful everyday life with an instant porridge made with Scanian oats. In this interview, they share their views on the future of the food production system and why being a member of the network is beneficial.